Let's play!
Playing with my buddy
The little robot buddle embodies the best friend (buddy) as a remotely controllable sphere (bubble). 
The children can see their friends via video call, enjoy the presence of each other, play games and use the LED projected playground. Only a few playgrounds are pre-installed with buddle, so the kids have to start being creative to invent their own challenges and playgrounds.
Why a Sphere? I made a little research to find out, which games like children the most. And guess what the result was: Ball games!
Even with a ball you have infinite numbers of games to play. How about hide and seek? Or bowling? Or do I build my own maze and my friend has to find the exit? There are tons of possibilities!
Three ways of cruising around
Buddle is able to recognize human silhouettes and aligns the front camera automatically to the person. When you are moving around, it's following you. Or you can control it with a tiny controller. You can either balance it in the hand (good for playing with buddle alone) or use it to locate the friend in the playground. When a friend walks on the playground, while having the controller in the pocket, buddle is moving around too.

balance controller

The Set


inductive charging

Safety first
In order to avoid abuse by unknown persons, buddle is activated via the parents. Every buddle has an individual QR code that can be read via a mobile app. With the help of this app, parents can add certain friends and accept or decline video calls.
buddle is a completely fictional product. There were no collaborations with mentioned brands.

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