Simple & Dynamic
The selected designlanguage is based on a previously attended workshop, that explains how different shapes can influence the emotional psyche of a person. To create a product family in which the individual objects harmonize with each other in a calming affect, the design language of both devices is based on simplicity and purity combined with just small dynamic and exciting details.

Hearing Aids
- flexible silicone over-ear band to ensure proper fit for all users
- power and bluetooth button sits on top for infrequent access
- easy-access button for volume adjustment anytime
- soft and comfortable silicone strap
- integrated button on side for power and quick watch functions
- connects with hearing aid to enable health tracking and music features

Integration to the human body
Most of hearing impaired people don't want to attract public attention because of their illness. Therefore the hearing aids are designed more like simple headphones and less like a medical device. Both, a hearing aid and a smartwatch, are technical devices that support and expand already existing capabilities. Not to be confused with a technical product that is only used for amusement for example. The goal of the minimal look is, that it can be discreetly integrated into the body. The slightly dynamic, curved details underline the flow of the part of the body on which the device lies.

Thanks to my team members Ellora Jaggi and Jana Horst!